

应用ing to Mount Union is easy, and transferring is even easier. Mount Union的课程对转学很友好,可以帮助你最大限度地利用你以前获得的学分. 要转学的课程, they must have been earned at a regionally accredited institution, 反映“C”或更高的等级, 并参加蒙特大学提供的同等课程.

  • 应用程序需求

    转学到威尼斯人app下载的学生是指在另一所大学注册了一门或多门课程的学生, with the exception of a student who was enrolled under the College Credit Plus Program. 考虑转校生入学要求最低累积平均绩点为2.0(在A上)= 4.0规模; 2.0 = C),并在院长评估表上提供良好的学术成绩和良好的学科成绩证明.



    • 转学生入学申请表
    • 应用程序的文章
    • 最少2个.平均成绩0分,成绩4分.0规模
    • 高中正式成绩单
    • Official college transcript(s) from all colleges/universities attended
    • 学生成绩评估表格, 由学生最近就读的学校填写,以确认学生的良好信誉和立即重新入学的资格.

    If you've already started your admission application, make sure to log in to the 应用门户 to check for updates and finalize your application.

  • 转学生课程


    这个为期8周的课程将帮助那些在不到48个学分的时间内转学到Mount Union的学生, learn about the meaning and purpose of a liberal education, and understand the purpose and 需求 of the Integrative Core. 该课程还将帮助转学生整合他们在其他地方完成的工作,为Raider foundation Portfolio (RFP)做准备。, 以前称为WOC组合. 这门课程是所有转学生毕业的必修课程,必须在Mount Union的第一学期完成. 前提条件:转学生资格. 1学时. 只提供S/U. 通常在秋季和春季提供. Advanced transfer students (those transferring in at least 48 credit hours, including successful completion of College Writing, 或同等, 和公众演讲, 或同等)代替TRF 200.


    这个为期16周的课程将帮助高级转学生(那些在至少48个学分内转的学生)过渡到Mount Union, learn about the meaning and purpose of a liberal education, and understand the purpose and 需求 of the Integrative Core. 除了, students will refine their writing and speaking skills, choose and revise writing and speaking assignments, and complete a Raider Foundations Portfolio (RFP), 以前称为WOC组合. At the end of the course, students' written and speaking proficiency will be assessed. 这门课程取代了TRF 100,是所有高级转学生的毕业要求,并将在威尼斯人app下载的第一学期完成. 先决条件:转学生资格, 获得48个或更多学分, 包括成功完成大学写作(或同等学历)和公共演讲(或同等学历). 2学时. 只提供S/U. 通常在秋季和春季提供.

  • 将学分转移到Mount Union

    Mount Union的课程对转学很友好,可以帮助你最大限度地利用你以前获得的学分. 要转学的课程, they must have been earned at a regionally accredited institution, 反映“C”或更高的等级, 并参加蒙特大学提供的同等课程. Official transcripts will be the basis for determining what, 如果有任何, transfer credit will be accepted by the Mount Union大学; such determination will be made by the Office of the University Registrar at the time of admission on a course-by-course basis.

    威尼斯人app下载关于学分转移的信息, you can submit your unofficial college transcripts to credit_transfer@567888n.com 并进行信用评估.

    转学 Who Have Earned an Associate Degree

    从地区认可的机构获得副学士学位的转学生有资格参加威尼斯人app下载的考试 通识教育 需求. 转学生将有能力专注于他们的学术专业,加快毕业进程.


    There are several state and federal options available to assist you, as well as many Mount Union awards that are specific to your career at the University. 查看 奖学金及助学金 点击此处威尼斯人app下载信息.

    Students who are receiving multiple awards should also refer to our stacking policy in the 财政援助手册.


    联合山被命名为 转学荣誉榜 by the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society for its dynamic pathways to support transfer students.


Find quick access to a number of pages that you may be seeking as a transfer student, 奖学金信息,以及其他服务.


  • 劳拉Kohmann



    家乡: 联盟,哦

    主修和辅修: 主修市场营销,辅修心理学

    责任人: TSO副总裁, 学生商业顾问委员会成员, 也是美国营销协会的成员

    我为什么选择Mount: I chose Mount Union because the faculty and 工作人员 at Mount Union made it feel like home to me. 作为一个转校生, 我对适应新学校感到紧张, 但联合山让我觉得自己很适合这里. 当我决定转学时,和我交谈过的每个人都关心我和我的感受,从不强迫我选择芒特大学. They cared about me finding my new home, and I am so glad I chose Mount Union!

    建议: 我给转学生的一条建议是,不要害怕尝试新的活动或参与新的组织. 我对去尤宁山参加荒野之旅和社会责任之旅感到紧张,不确定自己是否会喜欢这些旅行. I loved those trips and made so many new friends by going on these trips. I would have never experienced those amazing opportunities if I let my nervousness take over. So do not be scared and take those leaps and try new activities or organizations!

  • Darese斯帕克曼



    家乡: 佩里,哦

    主修和辅修: 历史专业的学生 and Adolescence to Young Adult Education minor.

    责任人: 我是兄弟会(Phi Kappa Tau)的副会长,也是摔跤队和网球队的一员.

    我为什么选择Mount: 我选择芒特是因为这里的社区很亲密, 享有盛名的教育经历, 还有很棒的摔跤节目.

    建议: My biggest advice to transfer students is to be able to ask for help, 去一个新的地方并不总是那么容易, 你不必一个人去做. Use your resources and the people around you to help direct you through the tough avenues. Mount has people for you who care about you and want to see you succeed. Let these people help you the way they know how, and help you reach the goals you want to reach.

  • Saydee霍奇森



    家乡: 佩里,哦

    专业: 市场营销和公共关系双学位

    责任人: Alpha Delta Pi (Vice President of Event Management), 公共关系总监, 学生工作人员(救生员- MAAC)

    我为什么选择Mount: 我选择芒特大学是因为社区关系紧密,校园规模较小,这让我能够在课堂上茁壮成长,并积极参与校园活动. 在转学的时候, 我对参与和加入学生组织特别感兴趣,因为Mount Union有很多很棒的参与方式!

    建议: Transferring doesn't have to be as intimidating as it seems! 利用威尼斯人app下载提供的资源,可以让你更容易地获得更好的大学经历,所以不要害怕这样做. 参与并推动自己走出舒适区将帮助你在上大学时建立你一直想要和应得的人际关系! 最后, 永远为你作为转校生的成就和经历感到自豪,因为转校生是学校的规则!